The Pier Shareware 2
The Pier Shareware Number 2 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso
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432 lines
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│ - Programing Languages
│ Files: 1 Bytes: 18,436,694
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61PTCH.ZIP MASM v6.10a Patch Posted on Microsoft BB
ABWIL097.ZIP Productivity Utility for knowledgable DO
users /programmers. v0.97
AI_MATH.ZIP Matrix Math for C Programmers ?
ALLY211.ZIP Ally - A Lisp Analyzer V2.11 Programmer'
Workbench And Analyzer For Autolisp.
ANGEL18D.ZIP AngeLIB v1.8D - Library for MS BASIC PDS
AQ_S0201.ZIP Ada Quality & Style Guide, v.2.01.01, fr
C; fast screen updates, pop-up windows,
down menus graphics from Hercules to SVG
1024x768, 16 or 256 colors, MORE.
ASMPR100.ZIP ASMPROC 1.00. Quickly generate lists of
procedures in assembly language programs
Can process include files, ignore commen
blocks, etc. Freeware from Bit Masons.
ASMTU_WP.ZIP Assembly language tutorial in wp format.
AVC_0101.ZIP Validated Ada compilers as of this date.
AVTS11.ZIP ARIS Version Tracking System (AVTS) v1.1
low cost version control/configuration m
system that helps you keep track of the
versions of source code modules as for
binary files; makes full use of file loc
for an unlimited number of users, w/Shar
BASWIZ19.ZIP Basic Wizard's library ver 1.9 for MS-ba
compilers: QB,PDS,VB-Dos. many features
BCRYPT10.ZIP BCRYPT 1.00 Encryption routines for QB 4
and PDS 7.1.
BC_PAS_1.ZIP Pro Audi Spectrum Pas-16 Programmers Kit
C (Works With C++) (1 Of 2) 7.
BC_PAS_2.ZIP Pro Audi Spectrum Pas-16 Kit (2 Of 2) (U
Pkunzip -D To Dearchive! 40.
BEDIT26.ZIP Hex editor for binary files
BETA25A.ZIP The Beta Test Program V2.5 <asp> Applica
Designed to Assist Software Authors in
Developing A Beta Test Program.
BGI256_3.ZIP BGI256 v3 driver for Borland graphics by
Knight Software. Supports SVGA modes up
2048x1024x256 for Borland Pascal and C/C
Includes doc's, ASM and PAS source code.
BI4.ZIP Turbo Pascal Source to Detect All Drives
Installed in A System.
BINFILE.ZIP This is a Turbo Pascal object that was
designed for accessing binary files base
the users desires.
BJIM040U.ZIP Bonijoni IntroMaker v0.4 /VGA Loader Mak
Supports SoundBlaster. W/Fonts, Editor,
Programming tools.....
BLTC13.ZIP Bullet for C v1.03 A Super-Fast, Super-s
B-Tree/Dbase .Dbf, Transaction-based,
Multi-User Database Toolkit For DOS C
Compilers. dir 74
BORLPATS.ZIP Ask, questions and patches form BBS of
Borland. For TC/TC++ & BC++
BP7BUGS1.ZIP Unofficial bug list for TP/BP 7.0.
BRACE.ZIP Brief macros to do brace, bracket, paren
matching. Check a whole file for balanc
braces. Jump between C pre-processor
constructs. Brief adjunct.
BREAKIT_.ZIP A gw-basic code and cipher program allow
you to enter ascii characters, to save t
and to encode and decode.
BT112.ZIP BASIC TRAINING -- Version 1.12 -- is a
interactive shareware tutorial. Introdu
elements of Basic including Simple Contr
Looping, Color & Sound, Arrays & DATA,
GOSUBs and Functions, Files, Simple
Graphics. Registered version includes a
evaluation of LIBERTY Basic compiler for
BTVCAL10.ZIP BTVCALC.PAS v1.00: B-Tree variable recor
section size calculator.
BYTESWAP.ZIP Simple utility to swap each pair of byte
a file; reads input file & creates a
separate output file.
CL110.ZIP CodeLister v1.10: for developers of C so
code; organizes your code for printing;
makes table of contents, etc.
CLT156.ZIP CLint v1.56: tool which reads the source
files of your C programs, & generates
reports about possible problems.
CMOS.ZIP This an example of accessing the cmos
program useing the the "c" programimg
language. This program tells how much e
memory is avali write using borland c ++
CODE32.ZIP Code in 386 Protected Mode Assembly tool
Libraries include File I/O, Command Line
Parsing, Advanced Keyboard Handling. By
Renaissance 1993
CODEBASE.ZIP Demo of Codebase 5.0 from Sequiter Softw
Contains sample programs and code for th
impressive XBASE c/c++ programming libra
COMPDEM.ZIP Compression demo for BASIC. Hmmm
CS0032_1.ZIP Latest Official Csd Cs000032 For IBM C S
1.0. Disk 1 of 2.
CTL3DPAS.ZIP Turbo pascal for windows source & execut
in how to use the 3D dialog boxes
CUTL.ZIP C utils.
DDJ9302.ZIP Dr. Dobbs Journal - February 93 Listing
DDJ9303.ZIP Doctor Dobbs Journal Source Code for 3.9
DECODE10.ZIP Decode It! V1.0: No more hex dumps! Vi
bytes, words, longs, floats, and structu
in a binary file as formatted text.
DFRAME41.ZIP DoorFrame v4.1 Doors development library
QuickBasic 4.x.
DMAKE110.ZIP DEMOMAKER v1.10 Update patch for
DMAKE100.ZIP This patch will update
DemoMaker v1.00 to the new version. Min
bug fix release to correct the display o
certain ASCII control codes.
DWARCS12.ZIP DWArcs version 1.2 - Library for PowerBA
3.0a/2.1f that will read in file list da
from within archives. Archives supporte
ARC, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ZOO, and the new ZIP
2.04G! Extremely fast and easy to use!
DavisWARE - Written by James R. Davis!
DWSCRN12.ZIP DW:Screen version 1.2 - Library for
PowerBASIC 3.0a/2.1f that will produce
fantastic screen effects on your compute
Also helpful versatile screen utility -
restoring screens, windows, and converti
screen into a importable string. Extrem
easy to use with source code! Reg: $25.
DavisWARE - Written by James R. Davis!
EF11.ZIP EASYFOLD v1.1 - A professional programme
editor with optional folding. Mouse
support. Keyboard or menu-driven. Edit
buffers etc Powerfull macros features.
Supports SVGA.
EVALQB.ZIP QB Command Line Math Evaluator. Purchas
Source code for $15
EVOLVE10.ZIP EVOLVE! V1.0: simplifies
developing/maintaining source code in an
language, allowing you to design a pgm s
that you can efficiently implement chang
allows you to dynamically inspect and mo
a program's structure.
EXE2C.ZIP Disassemble .EXE or .COM files to assemb
language or "pseudo" C.
EXECWS.ZIP TP unit that provides a DOS EXEC facilit
that keeps the child program's writes to
standard output or BIOS int $10 in a
specifi- ed region of the screen; includ
TP/ASM src
EXTMATH.ZIP Extended Math Function Library with
Assembler source code. Source is in TAS
FILEID17.ZIP Why Shareware authors should use FILEID
their program packages....
FIX610.ZIP Update for earlier TCXL 6.10 update disk
your TCXL update disk is dated before 11
you should run this 'patch' disk.
FLXKEY11.ZIP Turbo Pascal shareware unit to create /
decode encrypted user-registration keys.
Fully functional version, supports TP 4.
5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 7.0, and BP 7.0 DPMI.
FN32_3.ZIP FN32 version 1.3 32 character filenames
under MSDOS!! W/ a TSR, .obj files, sam
source. The TSR manages files.
FNOTE16.ZIP Filenotes V1.6 Rse Incorporated. Attach
notes/descriptions to your files
FORTH014.ZIP Ka9dgx forth, this is first version to l
a .INI file from disk.
GAMETP20.ZIP The Game Library for Turbo Pascal 6.0
GFONTS45.ZIP Graphic fonts for QB and BASIC programme
Popular package of 80+ font routines.VGA
GO.ZIP Go! v2.20 - the "put the diskette in th
drive and type GO!" installation for you
GUILIB20.ZIP GUI Library for use w/Borland C++ and TC
compilers. Very complete, handy, powerf
Add graphics to your C++ programs.
IEGEOM21.ZIP IE Geometry C Library v2.1 Basic 3-D
geometry manipulation C library and tool
Creates .PLG file formats for use with
Rend386 a rendering program.
IMPRES25.ZIP First Impression v2.5: allows software
developers to install their software eas
on user's computers w/documentation prin
INIFN135.ZIP Initialization File Functions v1.35: off
C functions to retrieve and manipulate
information stored in text-based
configuration files.
INKEY4C.ZIP INKEY() function for 'C'/C++ read Ctrl-A
INST150A.ZIP User Friendly Installation Utility for
Programmers now with many new features.
INST30.ZIP INST Version 3.0 - Make custom install f
ends for any software with your name and
logo. Supports multiple disk sets, and
more!! Allows upgrade installs too.
IOSTREAM.ZIP Turbo C++ Tutorial on <iostream.h> by Er
Nagler. This is a tutorial on the use o
the header file <iostream.h>, as impleme
by Borland in its Turbo C++. This tutor
assumes prior knowledge of C Language
JULIAN11.ZIP Julian date manipulation calculation lib
w/C source for MS-C and BCC.
LGDEMO.ZIP 7 Language Code Generator - TEST and DEB
before Code Generation - Compatible with
Language Compiler!
LNKLST10.ZIP Linked List v1.0: linked list algorithms
implementation for C/C++.
LZW4C12.ZIP LZW Data Compression Library for C
LZW4P12.ZIP LZW Data Compression Library for Turbo P
MACBL1.ZIP MACBL V1.0 Builds a list of your files f
a given set of paths. Simple to use & f
W/ complete "C" source and Makes for BC
but should work with others. As best of
its Public Domain. From MÄC's BBS
MAWK111.ZIP Mawk - Version 1.1.1 - A Fast Version Of
With A Few Additional Functions Replaces
Mawk11x.Zip - Also Includes Bmawk.Exe Fo
Very Large Arrays - Much faster than Duf
Awk And Freeware Too.
MCOMM556.ZIP The LIB(s) and 'C' source files in this
file are libraries of serial communicati
functions designed specifically for use
Microsoft C, Turbo C / C++, and Zortech
C++. 16550 FIFO support, up to 115200 b
The registered version has LIBs for all
memory models. They are the libraries u
to create TXZM222.ZIP.
ME601.ZIP Multi-Edit version 6.01 - Shareware Edit
This is the full working model.
Registration removes all shareware scree
MEDIT23.ZIP M-Edit, Programmer's Editor For Windows
MENUBA.ZIP Menubar.Dll: Button Control Library For
Windows Programmers.
MKLAPI09.ZIP Marklin Digital API for C and BASIC with
& 32 bits OS/2 and DOS.
MODIFIED.ZIP This is a asm listing of how to create a
player, real fast routines so have fun d
MRKEXE10.ZIP MARK EXE 1.0 allows a message (copyright
other) to be placed at the beginning of
files taking up no room. Highly visible
from TYPE command and HEX editors and ad
nice touch to your .EXEs. (send author
MSADDL.ZIP MS-Access Data Definition Language Dynam
Link Library provides data definition
support beyond that provided by standard
MS-Access; for the Access Basic pgm'r.
Windows 3.x MSAccess & Access Basic.
MSORTP.ZIP TP merge sort unit for protected & real
MSTDLG.ZIP Display Microsoft Test Dialog File Direc
NAMEFREQ.ZIP Lists of first and last names sorted by
frequency. Useful for constructing name
be used in test data for other programs.
NDX302.ZIP B-Tree indexing package. Variable lengt
keys, but no locking feature. C++ sourc
included, with a very nasty bug correcte
NDX303.ZIP BTREE package with C++ source. Improved
leave index in defined state after delet
a file.
NUMVERT.ZIP NUMVERT.COM/ASM are useful decimal,
hexidecimal and binary conversion routin
OASYS101.ZIP Object Adventure System 1.01 with Source
ORPH153A.ZIP Orpheus 1.53, #1 - Full featured hyperte
author w/mouse support, draw mode, wordp
etc Plays music, launches programs. Thi
an authoring program - one of the best.
ORPH153B.ZIP User's Guide for ORPHEUS. authoring pro
File 2/3.
ORPH153C.ZIP Orpheus Reader, slick hypertext interfac
for online books made w/ Orpheus Author.
PBC21FIX.ZIP Fixes for some problems with PBClone 2.1
PBCLON21.ZIP PBClone 2.1 library for MS BASIC compile
QB, PDS, VB-DOS. Over 550 routines of a
descriptions. LIBMATxx.ZIP or LIBWIZxx.
recommended for creating subset librarie
Shareware ($35) by Tom Hanlin.
PBWIZ16.ZIP PB Wizard's Library ver 1.6 for Spectra'
Power Basic ver 3.0. Includes Archive a
disk viewing. Time and Date manipulatio
equation solving. Over 300 features
PCC12D.ZIP PCC v1.2D: fast, powerful, personal C
compiler, fully compatible with code wri
for DeSmet v2.51, making fast, tight,
compact pgms.
PCL40.ZIP PC-LEARN v4.0 latest program in C++ from
Majestic Shareware. Create tutorials,
tests, trivia files, formatted color tex
files, and whatever else you can think o
Not crippled in any way. More updates
available very soon.
PE210.ZIP Programmer's Environment v2.10: designed
aid programmers w/an integrated environm
that combines program editing, compiling
running into one; online help.
PETPE302.ZIP PE - The perfect Editor v3.02: ASCII tex
editor in windowed environment w/up to 2
movable, sizable, overlayed or tiled
windows; supports any size file (up to
memory), full mouse support w/pull
down-menus, and 100+ functions; HEX edit
key macros. Salidis
POSTI29F.ZIP PostIt! 2.9F Converts source code and
programs to QuickBASIC/QBASIC text files
posting in a message.
PQR.ZIP Tsr programmer's quick reference. Ascii
chart, number conversion and colors. 38
cpu and 16 color monitor required.
PROT018S.ZIP Pascal Communications Protocol Engine,
Supports Zmodem, Ymodem, Xmodem And More
PROT100.ZIP Protocols for TurboPascal with complete
PROXY11.ZIP Proxy v1.1: interpreter for a rapid
prototyping language with C/C++ like syn
based on modelling software using data
structures such as sets, maps, sequences
and objects; allows you to make incremen
changes to a design, and test them
immediately. Software Design.
QBMENU10.ZIP Menumaker For Qb/Pds W/Source & Object.
QHLPC.ZIP Qedit Hypertext Help
RCDATA.ZIP Helps you store binary data in rcdata.
RKPLS301.ZIP RkPlus v3.01 - Turbo Pascal Unit to allo
programmers to easily handle secure
registration keys in their software.
RM08.ZIP Raster Master V3.4: Graphic editor for
creating and manipulating small graphic
images. Read/Write PCX,CEL,BMP,and ICO
Create source code for images, palettes,
mouse.Features 16 and 256 color support.
For Turbo Pascal,QuickBASIC,Turbo C, Qui
Fastgraph,and TEGL. Requires VGA/SVGA a
Mouse. Suggested archive name RM08.*
ROBWIND.ZIP A small fast window library for Quick Ba
RXDOSCMD.ZIP Source code (and objs) for command.com
replacement. Some excellent asm code he
03/31/92. Useful only to RXfer Plus 0.3
Beta Testers. Unzip into RXfer
subdirectory. Without this file, 0.30ß
expire on 12/31/92. Beta 0.40ß should b
ready in Jan '93.
S3BIT10.ZIP Convert decimal numbers to a bit
representation or convert a bit
representation to a decimal. Handy for
programming at the bit level.
SHARSTRM.ZIP C++ shared stream example
SHOWBMP2.ZIP Turbo Pascal Unit to display 64k, 256c
bitmaps. New enhanced version with fadi
and ultra fast display routines. Gifs c
be used Freeware.
SPC12.ZIP Statistical Process Control Version 1.2.
Automates charting of ascii data into a
variety of formats. Context sensitive h
No statistical background required. Use
friendly. Menu driven. Used by USAF
(public domain).
SPLAY.ZIP Splay Trees for Voronoi Tesselation DDJ
TCXL31.ZIP TCXL Norton Guides version 3.1 (for TCXL
TGE101.ZIP Graphics Engine For C/C++ Library With A
And C Source Code.
TIFF_11B.ZIP TIFF256 v1.1B: library of C routines whi
enhance the VSA256 Graphics Library to
provide a C programmer w/the tools neces
to display TIFF images using a video ada
running w/the VESA BIOS Extensions v2.0;
supports MSC & Borland C products
TP6BUGS7.ZIP Unofficial bug list for TP 6.0.
TRILIB.ZIP C lib for FLI or FLC file playing
TSPA3260.ZIP Prof. Timo Salmi's Tpu Collection of Ne
200 Useful Turbo Pascal 6.0 Routines For
Text-Mode Programs.
TSRTOO13.ZIP TSR v1.3: toolkit for writing your own T
that can call DOS functions; includes
complete source code, allowing you to wr
your TSRs in ASM or C.
TVED12.ZIP TurboEdit v1.2: pgm'ing source code edit
resizing capable;mouse support is includ
other features; ASCII table, four functi
calculator, etc.
TWI20.ZIP The Text Windowing Interface (TWI) v2.0
Borland Pascal 7.0 Toolkit designed for
author to easily produce a consistent, e
to use interface. TWI includes windowin
and pull down menuing procedures. $15
VC1DOC.ZIP Press Release on Visual C/C++ for window
(WFW 2.0 format). 02-23-1993.
codes Includes C source code. Compile
w/BC++ 3.1
VGX3.ZIP VGA graphics file format for BASIC 7.x
programmers. Fast. With palette routin
including fade-in/fade-out. Complete
shareware package.
WICS.ZIP A set of Borland C++ OWL Libraries ...
routines included...
YAMP16.ZIP Yet Another Matrix Program v1.6, C++ mat
algebra package with source code to supp
recursive matrix functions. Has virtual
memory version, and documentation in LaT
format. Freeware.
YCSPED10.ZIP All game designers MUST download this
program! yc's Sprite Editor is a 32x32x
sprite editor for use by video game prog
designers for the IBM PC. This program
requires a SVGA card capable of 640x480x
and compatible with VESA, Trident or Vid
and a MS compatible mouse. It outputs C
Pascal source and is fully loaded with
editing functions. Very nicely done. G
ZIL220.ZIP Z/Install *LITE* v2.20! (Feb 93) [ASP].
Z/Install Lite is a dialog-driven SFX-li
creation program. It has compression ra
as good as LHA 2.13. It takes 5 minutes
create an ENTIRE INSTALLATION! Develope
can define COLOR title screen, custom
messages, default directory, and more!